Sunrise Sermons
Sunday Sermons from the team at Sunrise Community Church in Fair Oaks, California
26 episodes
January 16 - Worship Together ( Romans 15:7-13)
Worship TogetherSeries: Come TogetherScripture: Romans 15:7-13Speaker: Kord Jacobsen
January 9 - Life Together (Romans 15:1-6)
Life TogetherSeries: Come TogetherScripture: Romans 15:1-6Speaker: Dr. Luke Miller
Sunday January 3rd - If.......When....... (1 John 1:4-10)
Sunday January 3rd, 2022Speaker: Pastor Cliff CareyIf......When1 John 1
Sunday December 26 - Here Comes Heaven - Love
Speaker: Dr. Luke MillerSeries: Here Comes HeavenSermon: Love
Sunday December 19 - Here Come Heaven Part 3 - Joy
Speaker - Dr. Luke MillerSeries: Here Comes HeavenSermon: Joy
Sunday Service December 12 -Here Comes Heaven - Pt.2
Speaker - Dr. Luke MillerSeries: Here Comes Heaven
Sunday December 5 - Here Comes Heaven - Peace
The start of our Christmas Series looking at Peace, Hope ,Joy , and LoveDr. Luke Miller
Fresh Start: Malachi 2:10-16
This week Pastor Luke looks at covenants, marriage, singleness, and divorce. We'll explore how christians have handled this in the past and how the Bible instructs us to deal with these issues.
Fresh Start: Malachi 2:1-9
Pastor Luke looks at what it means to lead as a disciple and be led as a disciple as we continue looking at the book of Malachi
Fresh Start: Malachi 1:6-14
Pastor Cliff Carey looks at authentic worship and the offerings that we bring to God in every aspect of our lives
Fresh Start Series: Malachi 1:1-5
We kick off our Fresh Start Series looking at the introduction to the book of Malachi, the history , the context, and more!
Memorial Day 2021: Growing Through The Past
On a day when we remember people who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom how do we as Christ-followers make sacrifices so others can experience freedom in Christ. Dr. Luke Miller looks at the importance of remembering the past so ...
Victory Through Proclamation. (May 23)
When we proclaim the victories that God has given us, we have the ability to come alongside others as they look for victory. This week Pastor Luke Miller looks at how proclamation builds a stronger community.
Victory over Anxiety (May 16)
We all deal with it, but we don't really want to address it. What does victory over anxiety and worry look like in our lives? Join Pastor Luke as he looks at how we can declare victory over an area in our lives that everyone deals w...
Victory....Over Doubt (May 2)
When we experience doubt in our lives we start second guessing where God is leading us. This week Dr. Luke Miller guides us through declaring victory over the doubt in our lives as we seek God's will
Victory....Over Failure (April 25)
This week Pastor Luke continues our series on Victory as he tackles how we can have victory even in our failures.
Victory......over pride (April 18)
Pastor Luke looks at the direct relation between effective and ineffective ministry due to pride/selfishness. Looking at Luke 22 we see this is something that even disciple will face yet every disciple can experience victory!
Victory: What's Next? (Acts 1:6-11)
We find ourselves in Acts 1 as the disciples are asking what to do now that Jesus in gone. We'll see that the mandate he gave them is the same mandate he is giving us now!
Easter Sunday 2021
As we finish the Easter story Pastor Luke tells about the immediate impact on the people closest to Jesus throughout the passion narrative
Good Friday 2021
Pastor Luke leads us through the event of Good Friday in a passionate telling of Good Friday
Absolute Victory: 1 John 5:11-21
This week we conclude our sermon series on 1 John as Pastor Luke looks at the absolutes in life. In a world where truth is considered relative how do we move forward knowing there are absolute truths that are universal for everyone.
True or False: 1 John 4:1-6
We hear a lot of news these days and we are constantly being confronted by what is truth and what is false. This week Pastor Luke takes a look at the same concept in a Biblical setting. How do we know the different between false tea...